Valentine's Day!

Dearest Little Shayla,
You are my valentine! I love you so much! My heart is breaking that I just sent you off to school and soon I will be zipping shut our suitcases and flying off with Christi and we don't know what the future will bring us. I know you're having a hard time with all that has happened in the past few weeks. You are the best little sister anyone could ever ask for. You're experiencing so many strong emotions: abandonment, jealousy, love, separation, loss, worry, etc. and I know you are scared too. Most adults will never endure what you are going through. I love you so and I'll fly home from Philadelphia as soon as I can. Until then, call me every day, take care of Daddy, don't let Nee Nee give you too many sweets and know that you're in my heart! I love you, sweetheart!
Forever yours,
Mommy xoxoxo
Dear Sweet Shayla
What beautiful pictures of you! I was just thinking about you this morning and there you are :0) Your Mommy loves you so much and it's so hard for her to be away from you. She knows how sad you are and so do all of us who follow your story. You are such a big girl and the best sister Christi could ever wish for. Remember that you are so very, very special. I sent you another "hampster" so keep your eyes on the mailbox!
Happy Valentines Day Shayla!
Harrisburg, PA
My thoughts and prayers will be with you throughout this difficult day. Keep faith and know there is a legion of prayer warriors praying for the Thomas family.
Happy Valentine's Day sweet Shayla!
What a great little sister you are!
Sending you love and hugs sweetheart!!
Lots of Love,
Dear Thomas Family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May God continue to stand by you as you battle this beast. My daughter was also diagnosed with neuroblastoma. I have six children and the pain I had to leave the rest behind to tend to my daughter was so, so difficult. But they do understand, as hard as it is for them, they know how much we love each and everyone of them. Stay strong and know there are so many out there praying very strong for your family. With Love, an NB mom
I just don't know what to say except that I'm so sorry for all of the heartache your family is dealing with. I'm praying that Christi's doctors at CHOP can bring her some relief quickly. Wishing you a safe flight and praying for your speedy return.
Big hugs,
Tears as I read this latest entry. Safe travel to you all. My prayers are with you, always. What a GREAT sister you are, Shayla!
I am sorry to hear Christi is in so much pain. I will pray for you & her both as you travel today. I wanted to wish Both girls a very HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY from the NW Florida Panhandle. My prayers are with you today & always!
I thought I had seen that shirt before, so I just had to check out some old pictures - and I eas right! Check this out:
Even the hair is (well, almost(O:)the same! Soooo cute!
I hope Christi will feel better once you get to CHOP. Good luck!
Hello Thomas Family,
Such cute photos of Shayla! She is certainly growing up. My husband and I can recall meeting Shayla and her daddy at the NB conference, held in Chicago, the summer of 2003.
We pray that your trip to CHOP is successful in getting Christi's pain and disease under control.
Sending much love and hugs from Michigan.
hoping and praying that you have as easy a trip as possible, that Dr Maris figures something out and that Christi can have that much wanted meal very soon.
love to you all, Shayla you ARE an amazing sister!
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
And this Valentine Sweet Shayla
Is just for you!
You look precious! Mommy couldn't ask for a better Valentine!
Happy Birthday again sweetie
Hello , Angela you are so strong of a person and a wonderful mother . This puts tears in my eyes how Christi is feeling so bad I would just love to hold her now and lift her up high and heal her. Take care we will continue to PRAY
Counts Family :)
UpperSandusky ,Ohio
Home of the Rams
Happy Valentines Day Shayla and Christi. Shayla you are getting so big! Christi I hope you find what you need at CHOP to feel better so that you can eat.
Our prayers are with you today as always. Please let us know if you need anything. We did send a gift to CHOP right before you left for home this last time. Hopefully it is waiting for you there.
Please let us know when Christi is feeling better.
Jodie and Karlie
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