Support For Christi Thomas

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Fuzz, Fur and Fingernails

Yes, as some of you emailed and blogged to us, Christi has indeed sprouted some fuzz. “I like my fuzzies,” she has giggled to us. (The fenritnide chemo is low dosage so she will not lose her hair while she’s on it.) As for being bald, she boils it down to this: “Little kids think I’m a boy and big kids ask me if I shaved it off.” I’ve decided not to dress her in skorts or anything pink for her special outing on Thursday with her friends because with this very, very short "hair cut" she really does look like a boy now! (You’ll never believe what she’s come up with for her Halloween costume, but I’ll share that later! What a hoot she is!)

Today was another wonderful day spent at home with the furry things. Christi worked on the painting she is creating which will be put above our couch.The social Miss Shayla played with a little girl friend she just met yesterday for many hours this morning at our home and then she spent the entire afternoon playing with the sweet neighbor boy.

While Shayla was busy playing with younger friends, Christi worked some more on her 4-H project. We took Buckeye to the vet for her nasty eye infection which has gone on for months and months. It appears it's here to stay, ugh!

After I complained to Christi that my hands and fingernails were a mess after picking off all the wallpaper in the bathroom a few days ago, she offered to paint my nails; therefore, I agreed! (This was the first time I let her use nail polish and she did a great job for a nine year old; plus the hand massage was delightful!) After a long couple of days, our bedroom paint is nearly dry; it’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do to lift your spirits! (I’m embarrassed to admit it hadn’t been painted for 18 years. Christi and I love it. Shayla, who doesn’t like change in her life has declared, “I’m never going in there again!” (We’ll see what happens the next time she’s scared. Hee hee)

Thank you for your prayers, love and support! It’s hard to believe we are approaching our fourth straight year of trying to kick this awful disease. Good friends, family and strangers continue to see us through and we are filled with gratitude! May God richly bless you all!!


At 11/7/06 9:56 PM, Blogger thonmom06 said...

Hi Christi and Shayla! Shayla, it must be that second child thing... Meghan is the same way about change....remember the story of "backwards day" in preschool? She still is not fond of doing anything different! : ) Christi, I can't wait to see your painting when it is finished! I sure hope Buckeye's eye will clear up. Poor thing! I'll ask St. Francis to intercede with this one. You do look like a natural in the vet office though! We are getting ready for our camping trip this weekend. It is tradition for our cousin Sara from Maryland to stay with us the week before and then we try to beat her parents to the campsite! Wait til uncle Michael sees the lights Victor made this year! I'll send you a picture when we get back on Sunday! Have a wonderful Wednesday girls. Sending lots of hugs your way tonight. love, sylvia

At 12/7/06 8:11 AM, Blogger HeatherB said...

I love Christi's fuzzies too. :)

I'm sorry to hear that Buckeye has an eye infection. I agree UGH!

I'm glad to see Christi's smiling face looking so well and happy! I can't wait to see her finished painting!

Hope you enjoy your newly painted bedroom. I'm sure Miss Shayla will adjust in time.

Please give both of the girls a big hug and a kiss from me!

Love to you all and many prayers,


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