Our state fair really is the best state fair in our state! (I woke Shayla up by singing the opening song from "State Fair" last week before we headed to Columbus for her sewing project judging.) She could only laugh at her warped mother. (Little did I know her dad sang her the same song before he left for work - what a hoot! The poor gal can't win!) It was fabulous to sit in the back with Shayla as dad drove us to the state fair. What a blessing to have Shayla's grandparents along to cheer for her and to enjoy the day. She didn't receive any top honors and the judge said she should have used the fabric suggested on the back of the pattern, but hey - what about creativity and thinking outside of the box?! Hee hee! I know she will get a lot of use out of her dress this year and we had had a lovely day at the state fair. Before she went off for her judging, which literally lasted for hours, I told her this was quite an honor, probably a "once in a lifetime" opportunity and to enjoy it. She responded, "My goal is to have fun." And she did! I hope you enjoy the pictures here. My favorite is the one of the HUGE "orb" - I tell myself it's Christi holding her hand - sooooooooo cool!