Two of the three hospitals Christi treated at were CMN hospitals (Nationwide in Columbus, and CHOP in Philadelphia). The national charity of Miss America & Miss America's Outstanding Teen is the Children's Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals. As a result, local and state titleholders are encouraged to partake in National Pancake Day celebrated at IHOP restaurants to help raise money for CMN. Our thanks to the awesome Kristi, the CMN worker at Mercy Children's in Toledo for inviting Shayla to "bring her bling" and help promote CMN after school yesterday. The restaurant became jam-packed as the "supper crowd" started arriving; people were waiting for tables.....and Shayla Thomas had a ball helping out. She loved being with the children and "Miracle Kids" and I love that she was able to approach others and tell her own stories about spending countless days and nights in hospitals. (Today her sweet speech teacher told me she has a gift for communications.) Thank you, CMN for making the days and nights brighter for our family.