2015 Christi Thomas Memorial Scholarships Awarded to Dance Unlimited Students
This year's Christi Thomas Memorial Scholarship applicants for the Dance Unlimited Scholarship were all simply amazing! We love them and are very proud of of them all. We understand why Christi loved going to dance to be with them whenever she could. Congratulations to this year's Christi Thomas Memorial Scholarship Winners! $1,000 - Elena and $1,000 - Marissa. Because of awesome applicants, we added three $100 Book Scholarships which were award to Paityn, Madison and McKenzie. I was so relieved Shayla Thomas gave the speech for me. This whole scholarship process we do each year is emotionally draining. It feels like life is being sucked out of me. No one was closer to Christi than Shayla so my thanks to her for doing this for our family. Congratulations, ladies! (Three minute video clip of announcement attached.)