Almost Home!

She's lost 4 1/2 pounds since February 1st, but Grandma Nonee thinks she's gained that since she arrived here so it's not really lost just redistributed! (smile) I think once her horrible mouth sores heal, she'll be eating like a champ again.
She's also lost a great deal of her hair and was surprised to see the dark hairs literally covering her pillowcase this morning. It's really thin now and the "shedding" is bothering her and making her itch, but now I guess she knows what a long hair cat must feel like with all of those loose hairs floating around. She's hopeful she'll still have some when she goes back to school this week so that she can give some to her friends. (I hope they're happy to receive it.)
Now to the important stuff: BLOOD COUNTS!
1.4 white
9.7 hgb.
46 platelets (Will be tranfused tomorrow)
196 ANC (YES, moving on up!)
This morning's doctor said that we could fly home after Dr. Maris sees her tomorrow. Because the one way home price was $164 at 10AM and jumped to $585 per ticket for any later flight we are now booked on the 10 AM flight. My prayer is that the platelet transfusion will be complete by 7:30 AM and that Dr. Maris examines her early so that we can be in a taxi at 8:15 AM. If that doesn't work out we shall just go the airport later and see what they can do.
She's scheduled to return Wednesday, March 1st for next round of high dose chemo. Hopefully, Harriet (Traci from COSI) will be with us to help see Christi and I through the treatment. Christi cried to learn that she'd still have to receive the dreaded shots upon our return home tomorrow.
Today we started and finished "The Night I FLunked My Field Trip" (takes place in NYC - pretty cool to know streets and landmarks in the text), and currently we're reading her "Iggie's House" by Judy Blumb.
My next update should be of Christi & Buckeye!
With gratitude, Angela
PS: THANKS Cheryl Scott!
Hooray she gets to come home . What a blessing God is so good . Shayla and daddy will be so glad to see you girls . I will continue to pray for you and your lovely family . Take good care of Buckeye . I am going to use that recipe your mommy put on the post . Sounds so yummy .
Upper Sandusky , Ohio
THREE CHEERS for going home if just for a week :) GO CHRISTI GO
Hi Thomas Team!
Praise are going home! Buckeye will be the best possible medicine. Congratulations on your new "baby" Christi!! Can't wait to see more pictures.
I'll be praying for you to be on that flight in the morning.
Love and Hugs,
Praying everything goes well so you get on the 10 AM flight! Sorry to hear about the shots. I'll say extra prayers the ANC keeps going up so Christi only has to have a few of those awful shots. Maybe Buckeye can help her through the shots! Can't wait to see picture of her with the new kitty!
Megan in NC
Dear Thomas Team, Extra prayers for all of you so that things go as planned tomorrow for your return home. Have a safe trip. God Bless you all.
Hello sweetheart,
I'm glad to hear (or is that read, I'm never quite sure? :) ) that your ANC is going up and that you'll be able to get home for a bit and to see Buckeye- I know you're looking forward to that.
Thinking of you all the time and praying hard.
Lots of love, tons of prayers,
That you for leaving this, Yes INDEED I will made a Post...
Blessings to all.. and My the Gaurdian Angels stay with Cristi with every moment... Until she can say SHE IS NOW HEALED, and everymore...
{{{{{{{ Huggles }}}}}}}
Dear Christi,
Not only are you the bravest girl I have ever seen, but you are just BEAUTIFUL also, inside and out. You amaze me. I can't wait for you to meet your Buckeye, she is the perfect kitty for you. I hope you have a wonderful time at home with your Mom, Dad and very special sister. My family and I will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers, and send you all our very best energy.
With love from Canada,
Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum Ager xoxo HAB
Hi ,
Great to hear things seem to be going better. Home is always the best place to recover!! Hope all goes well tomorrow.
You could put some of those hairs in baggies to save for friends! Just a thought so she is not anxious about it! Her hats look so cute!
Have a safe trip home and enjoy every minute of your beautiful daughter and family!
Prayers from Minnesota!
love, The Hollways
Dear Miss Christi,
You don’t know me, I am Heather and I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I came across your website that was set up for you through a girl named Jennifer, I believe she knows you, quite some time ago. I must say that you are one strong little girl, and I admire you greatly for it. Coming from someone who is 20 years old, who hasn’t gone through anything of your kind, I truly think you’re one of a kind. Your determination to fight this disease shows what a real winner you are. I don’t know anyone my age that would have the same courage, and determination as you to deal with what you’re going through. I pray for you everyday in hopes you get better. I hope you can soon return to your classroom and be with your friends once again. You’re truly an amazing little girl, and those around you should feel very lucky to know you. God bless you Christi, and keep up the fight!! You go girl!! =)
Yeah! I KNEW Christi would come home! We are rooting for her and all of you! Stay strong.
Still praying for you here in Oklahoma. Keep up the good work. I love cats too and your new one is a beauty. Buckeye will lot you lots.
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