Perhaps Shayla is one of only a few 12 year old girls to ever ask for a horse for her birthday and actually get one. For her 12th birthday, we bought her a horse, an 8 year old quarter horse. She’s 14 hands. Slick Assets is her registered name and I’m not sure what Shayla will rename this girl, (let us know if you have a good name) but perhaps that will happen once her feet hit the ground. Shayla is well aware of that fact that this is a one month trial. If the horse doesn’t work out, get along with the other (nearly 30) horses in the barn where we are now boarding her, or she isn’t the horse we think she is, we will return her to the owner.

Shayla learned of this amazing news on her 12th birthday. Aunt Marty brought her birthday cake over with a picture of Slick Assets (Roamy) on it. Shayla looked at the picture and thought it was one of Aunt Marty’s horses, then Skeeter, THEN she got it and when she got it I said, “And do you know why there might be a picture of Roamy on your birthday cake?” She knew and hugged her daddy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this works out for her. Her safety is my only concern. Time will tell if this horse will stay or head back to Findlay.

I had a ball today with mom and dad, enjoying the Florida sunshine and the wonderful animals and shows at Busch Gardens. I also submitted my first grant proposal through BGSU this morning (Whew, what a learning experience. Thankfully, all positive, the folks in the Dean's office and Research & Grants office are amazing! We will see if I nail this grant for the univeristy, or not. Fingers crossed.) To the students in my online course, I promise to grade your assignments you submitted yesterday tomorrow! I hope you are having a fabulous spring break!
I continue to hope and pray my sweet friend's recovery from her surgery will be uneventful. My deepest thanks to her sweet daughter for texting me throughout the day with updates regarding the surgery. May God completely and fully restore her body to good health. She is truly a Saint and should not suffer!
Hope everything works out well with Roamy Shayla. I have a Quarterhorse x Mare called Spirit
What a wonderful gift and a great surprise! I'm sure the horse will fit in just fine. All the best.
Oooh Shayla im so very happy for you. You deserve this horse so much. She's absolutely gorgeous.
May you enjoy every moment with her.
To Angela and shayne.... you are the most wonderful parents. You are so good to your little girl.
Angela im so glad you enjoyed your time with your mum.
Love to all the Thomas Team.
Sam (Ireland)xxx
I hope it works out!! I am living my childhood dream through shay right now - a HORSE for her birthday!! <3
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