Finished the First Week

Enrollment was up again at BGSU this fall with over 4,000 new freshman at the university. We have over 5,000 students in our College of Education and 324 faculty members there (about 900 at the university). Because of our growth and the Dean's commitment to using tenure tract faculty members and not instructors/adjuncts, we have 26 new faculty members in the College of Ed (8 new for my division - the School of Teaching & Learning). That is really exciting! (And I remind myself of that every time I cannot find a parking space in the faculty lot - lol!) They have made many improvements to the Education Building; it really looks amazing now! (The rest of campus - with something crazy like 275 million dollars of new facilities is also gorgeous!)

My low light this week was learning that I would have to get a new mentor because my amazing and most fantastic mentor earned an Asst. Dean's position so he's no longer allowed to help me over the next five years as I work toward tenure due to a conflict of interest. (He oversees the tenure process.) He assured me I could pick anyone, I don't need a mentor I'm well on my way, but I took the news very hard. He's absolutely fabulous and someone I really look up to and admire. May God help me find a good replacement who will accept my request and give me really good advice so that I can stay at this amazing institution!