I hope this finds everyone well! I've been told I haven't updated for a while, but there hasn't been any news. School and work is going well for all of us. We sometimes have our breath taken away when we ponder about how old Christi would be and wonder what she might be into if she had lived.
Winter hasn't been much of a winter this year, but we've been taking advantage of it whenever we can. I will post some pictures of recent winter activities we have enjoyed (skiing & ice skating).

When Shayla was little she used to tell us she either wanted to be a priest or a ballet teacher. When asked why she would reply, "They only have to work one day a week." It used to crack us up. Now she totally understands that is not right at all. She, alone, goes to dance three times a week and this week she had a bit of a taste of religious life. She asked us if she could be an alter service at church. We agreed and let her go through the training. This week she served her first mass and four additional masses. One day she went straight to dance, church, rosary prayers and then CCD without even coming home from school. I think she now has some sort of idea how hard those in religious life work! (I thought it would be way too embarrassing to take any pictures of her in her alter server attire, but trust me - she's cute!)

Yesterday was very exciting for the one who loves writing. She had been staying after school one day a week for some time as a member of the Power of the Pen Club for her school. She told us she was selected as one of six to serve on the competition team for yesterday's district level competition. We were all so happy for Shayla. At the end of the day, at the awards ceremony, we learned Shayla came in 5th overall for her grade and she will be advancing to the regional competition. God is good!