Ski Trip

For whatever reason, we always seem to find a fondue restaurant on each skip trip. This one was no different, yum, yum!

Shayla hits the slopes.

Shayla is ready to ski!

Shayla's first trip to Utah!

This was the view outside our condo window. Occasionally Shayne would call and say, "We are going up the ski lift you can see out your window now if you want to watch us go up. Hopefully, you won't see us ski down that one those because it's a black diamond trail. We will come down elsewhere."

Touring Temple Square - home of the Mormans, in Salt Lake City

Inside of our condo where I got a lot of writing and grading done.

I loved this amazing kitchen in our condo.

Love this gal! I tell her often, "Thank you for making our life complete!"