Miss Ohio Week
Let me begin by saying, Blogger changed it's layout about two months ago and I've yet to totally figure it out. I'm getting better, but my entries are not what they were for years. I'm sorry! I'm still learning and struggling to get the layout, text and photos all together. I apologize!
Hello! I hope you had a great week! There is not enough room on this blog to explain the amazing time Shayla and I had helping out at Miss Ohio all of last week! What a privilege, treat and blessing! (Picture: Shayla with Miss Ohio 2011 – Ellen Bryan, a graduate of Ball State, who will be starting her broadcasting career with an ABC affiliate in Lexington, Kentucky this week!) Here are our highlights:
I love a parade! The contestants looked beyond beautiful rolling through the streets of Mansfield in Sunday’s parade. This is beautiful Miss Mohican Valley, a college student at Hillsdale College in Michigan. I was assigned to be her Mentor this spring and they could not have given me a sweeter gal! She rolled down the street in an MG - too cute! I had daily contact working with Veronica for about 90 straight days. I fell in love with her and her mother. We loved when they came to Tiffin so we could do some more mock interviewing and of course dining! Veronica was voted Miss Photogenic and I’m so happy for her! I wish her the very best for continued success! She should be proud! She is a class act!
When I was asked to help out I said that I would do anything backstage, but I would not perform or anything like that. The next thing I knew I was told I was going to do some emceeing at the preliminary nights and I needed to send my measurements in to Miss Ohio. I responded, “Absolutely not! The last time I sent my measurements to Miss Ohio they appeared along with my height and weight printed in the program book!” I was assured that they no longer do that and the measurements were needed because “Henry’s Cloud Nine” - an amazing pageant/prom store in Columbus would be providing me with a gown to wear on stage. OK, I could agree for that! Hee hee! (Picture: Asking the woman, who was later crowned Miss Ohio, her on-stage question about cyber bulling. She did a great job; they all were articulate and well spoken.)

We were blessed to share a dressing room for four nights with Miss America’s Outstanding Teen (Pictured here with Shayla). She was such a sweetie! Shayla and Elizabeth really hit it off and became fast friends. During dinner one night, sitting outside on the sidewalk, I overheard Shayla ask her if she liked Cedar Point. She didn’t know what it was (She’s from Florida.) so Shayla went on and on about it. I told her I had our passes in our car and if she was allowed to, I would zip the girls off for a few hours of fun. Soon after arriving back in our hotel room that night, Shayla received a text from Elizabeth. She found a Cedar Point pamphlet in her hotel lobby, snapped a picture of it and asked, “Can your mom ask my traveling chaperone if we can go?” The next day I learned Elizabeth was booked for lunch each day so there was no way that was going to work out, but she insisted she will come back to Ohio and we can treat her to “America’s Rock and Roller Coast!”
Our very best wishes to Elizabeth who will soon be starting her college career this fall, majoring in broadcasting, funded with her $30,000 scholarship!

My deepest thanks to all of the local executive directors, MOSP board members, production crew, staff, and volunteers for the thousands of hours they put in for other people’s children. They really roll out red carpet in Mansfield and countless people work tirelessly for this amazing experience! (Picture: Shayla with the show’s producer – the amazing John Kunkle – trying on a Power Ranger helmet. She thought he was the sweetest theater producer she’s ever worked with. Most of the one’s she’s worked with have yelled and complained. John did none of that, which made her feel so good. Shayla also liked the prayers that took place. I assured her he was just as sweet 20 years ago to all of us young ladies. Now he's like our dad - so proud of us and what we've done with our lives! Amazing! I was so happy he had kept in touch with so many of my former pageant friends so he could update me on their lives and new married names.)

Shayla’s funniest part of the week was watching her mother get put in her place! I was told I was going to be interviewed one day for a promotional video they are making about how the Miss Ohio program has played a role in the lives of former contestants. I jotted down a list of what wanted to talk about and when I got in the room I gave it to the video producer. He handed it right back and said, “I’m a producer. I ask the questions.” Without missing a beat I said, “I’m a professor. I speak from notes.” He said, “Not today. Sit in that chair; the lights are very hot. Look at me, not in the camera." I glanced at Shayla and she was covering her mouth to keep from laughing out loud! What a hoot!
Before we took off for Mansfield, I overheard Shayne say to Shayla, “You will spend your week surrounded by high achieving, hard working, successful people. Your mom always returned from Mansfield changed. She was willing to try to accomplish new things; she set higher goals for herself; she had a new self-confidence; she was empowered. I wonder if you will come back changed too.” Well, she did! She definitely came back changed. One morning we didn’t have any responsibilities so we left our hotel and headed to the mall. I’ve been asking her off and on for years, “Would you like to get your ears pierced?” and she’s always said no. This time she said, “Yes, actually, I would!” I had gift cards to Claires from the sweet Grant family in Philadelphia - what a great treat!
Two of the contestants had asked me a while back to go onstage with them, during the opening part of the pageant, as the person who most inspires them for education and for their platform. I was deeply touched. Thursday night, I proudly stood beside Veronica as she told them I’ve inspired her to take her education to the next level. “Do you know that less than one percent of the population has earned a PhD? Let me introduce you to that one percent.” (I don’t remember what she said after that, I was very touched. I was proud to stand beside her!)

On Friday afternoon, during rehearsal, I held Nina’s hand as she spoke in the microphone and tears streamed down both of our faces. (Her platform is the Children’s Miracle Network - nothing like hitting close to home! Yikes!) Friday night, we stood behind the curtains holding hands and saying, “We can do this without crying.” Well, I choked back tears as Miss Fallen Timbers said many very sweet things including, “Despite the loss of her daughter, Dr. Thomas has taught me through her actions the importance of giving back to those who have helped you, and to those organizations who help children.”
I also had the pleasure of helping Miss North Coast this spring. In my opinion, she received the highest award a contestant could receive. The other contestants voted for her to be Miss Ohio if they couldn’t and I cried when they called her name! She is an exceptionally nice young woman and I’m proud to know her!

Thanks for letting me share our exciting and special week with you! Here's wishing you and yours a fantastic week! ENJOY!