We are back home now from the best week of our lives. Yes, the county fair! Shayla is such a positive force! She make a very stressful week a ton of fun. Thank God for Shayla! We had a ball at the county fair!

Thursday: Competing in Versitility (this class speed / barrel racing)

One afternoon I arrived back at our camper to find a party happening! We love Shayla's friends! How nice to be surrounded by school friends in the middle of the summer - what joy! Thanks, ladies! (We may not like Shayla, but we like you! Come back soon!)

One happy gal! She had a tough time on her (too fast) horse on Tuesday. He got spooked by the cows and took off with her the entire length of the arena (Picture below). It was terrifying. Wednesday, she was dressed and tried and tried, but could not get her confidence up to enter the ring in competition again. Thursday, she woke up and said she was ready to enter! She did AMAZING! We are so proud of her and her good decision making.

Stop, Desi! Shayla (riding bareback of all times) was in for the ride for her life. She handled it incredibly well (Despite the fact my heart was ready to pop out of my chest!). She did an emergency dismount up against the fence and received a huge round of applause from the crowd. I still can't believe that happned (and that she said, "Can you get my saddle; I'm going back in!" and she did - the very next class.)

This was a new venture for us this year and we loved it! Shayla competed with her squad in the cheerleading competition on Saturday. They came in 3rd place out of six. She had a ball!

Because Desi caused some problems, a friend let Shayla enter with her horse (Willie) on Saturday. It worked out very well! Thanks, Denie!

Shayla was so happy to find out that Desi's sister (Jazz) was at the fair. She couldn't wait to introduce the two horses to each other. (They have the same mother.)

Racing on Sunday with Desi - this is what he was trained to do (contest / speed). She actually won some money for this today! Go, Shay! You've got amazing control and it's shocking what you can do in 11.46 seconds! (Ride him like ya stole 'em! LOL!)

School friends in the summer - YES!! Shayla enjoyed this fair more than any other ever before. I think because so many friends were there. They cheered for her, hung out with her and even stayed over night in her "bunk house" in the camper. Thanks, gals!

Congrats to one of Christi's very best friends (Kaylyn) who sewed this awesome dress, won first place and qualified for the Ohio State Fair! Goodluck!

Competition on Tuesday morning. Showmanship

Wednesday - trying to get her nerve up to compete again.

This is the look on Shayla's face when she found out she won first place in "Middle School Clothing" and she is now going to compete again at the Ohio State Fair! (Congrats, Shayla!) Additionally, she won the highest honor by winning the Jane Barton contest, out of 11 girls, for the best constructed garmet. All thanks to her amazing sewing teacher - Melody! Those gals are quite a pair! (Every family should have a seamstress and Shayla you are ours! THANKS!)

On a borrowed horse and doing great! She actually won a small bit of money with him (in English). Thanks, Denie! Willie, thanks for taking care of my baby and going SLOW!

Here is Shayla with her cheer friends! Go, gals!