From Olivia:
It’s that most wonderful time of the year again! The time where I get to tell you that I am preparing for this year’s Christi Thomas Memorial Run for Kids Cancer Crusade. This year the race will take place on Sunday, September 25th.
2011 marks the 5th year I’ll be running in Christi’s memory. Five years. Five years is a very long time. And while I wish I didn’t have a reason to run every year, while I wish Christi could share her own story with you, in the absence of that possibility, I am here to once again, share with you the brilliant wonder that is my dear friend, Christi Thomas.
I was amazed by Christi from the moment I met her. She was 5 years old at the time and unbelievably brave, as all children grow to be when faced with cancer. Despite her young age, Christi was incredibly wise and completely selfless. She took care of the other children in the hospital and was often more concerned about their pain than her own. She always visited her friends and brought them gifts when she went in for treatment. Her love and kindness brought them much needed smiles. Christi was a ray of sunshine in the pediatric cancer wing. From the beginning, Christi inspired me to be a better person—to give more, to love more, to laugh more, to believe more. She still does.
I adored Christi’s love of books and learning. I remember thinking it was amazing that there was someone else out there that loved learning as much as I did. (Even though, Christi was much, much smarter!) Christi is with me every time I enter a library and every time I miss my stop on the bus because I am so engrossed in my book. (This happens more than I care to admit. It seems I have a problem.)
Most especially, Christi is with me on my morning “Christi run”. Some of you have asked me what a “Christi run” is. Simply, it’s how I refer to my 4:30am run. I used to just do a plain old run in the morning until I realized it was much more fun to picture Christi running beside me. At 4:30am, I need some motivation and inspiration to get up when my alarm goes off. Saying, “I need to get up for my Christi run” provides just that! And then, once a year, I participate in a race in Christi’s memory to raise money for Kids Cancer Crusade. And, perhaps most importantly, to have another moment to share Christi with you. Christi deserves to be remembered and this world still needs her wonder shared among us.
Thank you for all of your support and love and kindness over the years. If you could donate again this year, it would be appreciated. Together, we’ll keep Christi’s legacy alive and support the great work of Kids Cancer Crusade. Thank you!
To donate: http://active.com/donate/christirun2011
To learn more about KCC: http://kidscancercrusade.org/