My Goddaughter, a student at Purdue, taught me a few new things during the OSU game today! I must admit I didn't even know what Purdue's mascot was until she told me. I had a ball with my family! I am soooooooooo lucky!!

PIC: Baby Christi, on her first birthday, with her cousins Ashley (left) and Shelby (right)

May 1998 - CT's first birthday. Shayne had been saying that if Ashley wanted to come home and go to the Ohio State vs. Purdue game, he'd give up his ticket and go visit with his dad for the weekend. Recently, Ashley decided it was fall break so she'd do just that. I'm so glad she did. I hadn't seen her since she left for college and it was wonderful to get updated in person! She's doing FANTASTIC! I didn't have any worries, but I'm pleased to report after getting updated on: classes, professors, roommates, dining halls, concerns, friends (male and female), sports, jobs, transportation, family,and a few other items, she appears not to be doing well, but to be thriving! Praise be to God!

Early this morning, Shayne arrived safely in Kentucky (where I learned there was a fundraiser in the little town his dad lives in for a cancer child, so sad) and later this morning Shayla and I headed off for Columbus. (Can you tell she had a great time tailgating prior to the game?!)

We met up with my sister and her family and then went to enjoy some pregame festivities. PIC: Shayla with her Aunt Tina. It hit me again last night as I was reading to Shayla and she was crocheting a coaster for Tina that she won't get to watch her children adore her sister like I do. That still breaks my heart! I think Christi would have been an awesome aunt too!

The three "little ones" enjoyed the free kids' activities provided by the dining services outside of the stadium. Shayla enjoyed it before by herself, but with her cousins to play with??? WOW!!!!!

After the game, I was planning to catch a taxi to Gil's sweet sister's home; however, there were no taxis to be found! While I wanted to walk the three miles to Sue's just to let my brother-in-law know I could survive on my own just fine, I broke down and called him for a lift. Of course he teased us that we walked so far by the time he got there due to traffic we could have made it just walking! It was wonderful to catch up with Sue. She cooked an INCREDIBLE Italian dinner I thoroughly enjoyed before driving Shayla back home. As I drove home in the dark, out of no where Shayla said, "I had the best day, mom!" So did I!

Before the game I was able to say hello to a fellow OSU student who I watched (in complete amazement) cheer here in town in high school. Nate is now a sophomore at OSU and a Varsity cheerleader! He is even more skilled then when he was in high school. I was surprised he remembered me and knew of Christi's death. God's people are good!

(Nate, from our hometown, bottom right. I wish I would have caught his incredible gymnastic and cheering ability on video. Perhaps at another game.)

Ashley couldn't believe our good seats today. Of course I reminded her that I applied to the program in 2003 and with the exception of taking ONE quarter off, I've gone to school - four quarters a year ever since. (And the way I'm going, my freshman niece will probably graduate before I do! Go, Ashley!!)