Sweet Endings to a 2nd Amazing Year at BGSU!

This blog is to help offer support to the Thomas Family and their daughter, Christi, in her battle against cancer. Please visit Christi's website at www.ChristiThomas.com to learn more. There, you'll find journals, photos and a lots of other information about this amazing child and her family.
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Wow! Tiffin University did a fabulous job of organizing this year's "Christi Thomas Memorial Egg Hunt". We were very pleased with the great turn out, amazing weather and so many sweet and kind people for sharing their thanks and appreciation. I'm sure Christi thought it was wonderful! We are so blessed that so many remember her. THANK YOU!Our favorite journalist, Jill Gosche, was on hand to cover the event for the newspaper. She has many great pictures on the CU from the paper. http://cu.advertiser-tribune.com/galleries/index.php?id=301146
Shayla shared her presentation on being a "Free Lance Writer" at the middle school's "Imagination Celebration". After much research she opted to do her undergraduate degree at BGSU and her Masters at Columbia. In this shot, she is sharing her work with the school district's superintendent. It was a fabulous family / school event!
I thought I could put my finger right on it, but no luck! Shoot! After Shayne and I, the very next person to ever hold Christi was Pat Dean - Shayne's neighbor growing up. She was at the hospital that day for appointments, learned Christi was just born and came up with the cutest little white bonnet for her. I can picture her sitting in the chair in the corner holding our new little bundle of joy. I know I snapped their picture from my bed. Last night at the funeral home, her daughter told us they talked with Pat about getting to be with Christi in Heaven. Pat was ready to go Home. She wanted to be with her husband, Ed. What a sweet, sweet lady; she will be deeply missed. While I could not find that picture, I found two others to share: One of Christi's Baptism (June 1997, five weeks old) and the other of Aunt Marty holding her.