I could share info regarding Shayla’s rabbit interview on Tuesday or tell how much work I’ve completed on my final question, but I want to share some
good news tonight instead! I’ll do so through pictures captured today because I’m burnt and exhausted. It was another wonderful, but long and hot day and I forgot my sunscreen.

With Skeeter's owner and riding instructor, Claire. Our lease with Skeeter will come to an end on August 1st. Shayla will be disappointed; however, she knew 4H required only a 3 month lease and she knows she will continue her weekly riding lessons

Shayla received 5th place (out of 8) in the bareback novice division. My mouth fell open and tears fell when they called, "#173 Shayla Thomas".

This was a riding class. There were 11 or 12 in that class. When she didn't place, I asked her if she was ok. She said, "Yes! I knew I messed up. I forgot that pattern. I was supposed to trot after the cone, but I didn't remember it until the end. I trotted, but I knew it was too late. She did not place in her other riding class either. She kept getting too close to the horse in front of her. Of course, her bias grandma thought the others should have ridden faster, but I explained that I thought she needed to keep back one horse length and she has a tendency to ride right on the "behindy" of the horse in front of her.

With this year's Horse Queen, Senior and 4-H member, who has been so sweet and helpful to us, Brittney. And, hmmm...guess who has a horse for sale now that she's going off to college where she will be in an equine program. Shayla has her eye on Tripsy. He is a fantastic horse, and Britt is a fabulous rider! Their stall is across from ours in the barn and the amount of ribbons across the aisle way is impressive!

Last minute instructions from Claire, one of her riding instructors and the lady we are leasing Skeeter from.
VIDEO CLIP: Hopefully, this will post above this entry in case anyone wants to watch Shayla's "Trail Class" This is Shayla’s class of novice trail. There were 13 in her division. Trail and bareback are Shayla’s favorite so we thought she’d do well, but never did we dream she’d get first place……until she entered the arena. I could not believe how well Skeeter behaved for her. Other than missing the mail pick up in the mailbox on the first attempt (but getting it on the 2nd) I didn’t see any errors. It seemed to me she nailed all parts of the required pattern. Claire, her instructor, said she should have acknowledged the judge before leaving the ring, but that was the only thing she didn’t do properly. I could tell by watching Shayla’s face she felt great about her ride. I even watched her pull her left hand down and pat Skeeter after he backed up just as she commanded. I knew she wasn’t supposed to do that, but I also knew she loved her horse and was so proud of him. She explained how she felt after they announced her name for first place to Claire by saying, “It really feels great!”

Paw Paw said he was so glad he got to watch her. I couldn't believe her relatives stayed from 9 - 4:30 and watched the entire horse show. She was only in four events. What love!! Aunt Marty stayed up until the very end when she had to get back for work. Before she left she jokingly told Shayla, "Now that I have to leave, you'll probably get first place," little did we know that those words would be true!!

Can you even believe it?!

I don't know who screamed louder when they called #173, Shayla or her relatives?!

Shayla's other riding instructor and horse 4-H advisor, Julie, was so happy for Shayla too.

I’ve decided the fact that we’re only seeing orbs in the barn pictures is telling me that Christi (who really preferred grooming to riding) is with us. I also had to chuckle to myself recently as I realized that both Christi and Shayla would have been in the age 8-10 showmanship class, as well as all of the other classes. To have them complete against each other would have been really tough, especially because I think Shayla would have been a better rider. (Christi really got into grooming her horse though!) I wonder if we could have entered them as a team: Christi, horse groomer and Shayla, horse rider. (Shayla did say the judge said to her that she did a terrible job of grooming the horse on Tuesday. We thought he looked HANDSOME!!)

I’ve been awake since 4AM, the sunburn isn't feeling the best and I'm disappointed with myself for not getting into the cooler I've been packing every day with yogurt and fruit, as I broke down today and ate my first "fair food" - thinly sliced, deep fried potatoes with all of the trimmings, so it’s time to wrap up. Tomorrow morning will find Shayla showing “Swiffer” for the judges. Parents are not allowed in the barn I understand. (Would it have something to do with a “Kodak Mom” like me being in the way perhaps?? Hee hee!) He is a cutie! Hopefully, he’ll “flip” and stay that way as she talks about what she is checking for. (I “think” that’s how it’s done.) I think if things go well for her rabbit showing tomorrow, she’ll feel better about her “interview disaster” on Tuesday morning. The next horse show will be Saturday.