It’s been a while since my last update. I guess I learned that my sweet mother counts on this blog for our whereabouts so perhaps that’s why she had to call to check up on me! (hee hee) Shayla was thrilled that one of her grandma’s returned to the Buckeye state (and just in time for the School’s Grandparent Night program) and it appears (Praise the Lord!) my mom will soon be making the trip home too! I’m anxious to head over and visit since I’ve not been able to do that since fall.
While Shayla was at her religion class, I went to the library to pass the time not too long ago. I ran into the mom of one of Christi’s friends there; it was great to catch up! I am absolutely sickened to learn of the radiation and oral chemo treatments her husband will be undergoing. I can only remember the torturous hell we put Christi through in those last ditch attempts and truly wish we would not have. She was so frightened. While this is a totally different situation, it just made my stomach churn. She also shared that Kaylyn and Theresa presented the “Friendship Never Ends” poem Christi wrote shortly before her death that I discovered not too long ago. Even though I cried, I did so because I thought it was the absolute sweetest thing ever. There really could not have been anything that made me so happy that day! For those two girls to stand up and read that in front of their sixth grade class as part of their poetry unit makes me realize that they remember Christi and how much they cared about her too. Beautiful! Ironically, that very same day as I ran into her at the library I watched Kay and Theresa walk down the hall together after lunch and my heart just ached knowing Christi would have loved to have been there with them too! Some days it’s oh so hard!
I went out to the cemetery not so long ago, alone – that’s always even more difficult. I wanted to visit with Christi and to put some new flowers out for my dad. God’s people are amazing! One will never know the comfort I received finding some beautiful gifts left for Christi on a day when I was so down. The precious (breakable) angels and plaque were simply too nice to leave outside. They’re now beautifully displayed on top of our hutch – thank you! It helps tremendously knowing that Christi touched others so much that they’d actually go and visit her grave too – and I promise to get that final plaque ordered at least before fall. (I’m really not a procrastinator at all; however, this is just one big hurdle I haven’t been able to get over yet.)
Not so long ago I had to have some blood work done at the hospital. I NEVER thought anything of it – UNTIL I walked into the hospital and then it hit me. How many times had I made this trip with Christi. As I sat there and waited in the waiting room, vivid memories of passing the time there with the little sweetie came flushing over me. Countless times we’d start our day there, run to school, and if she needed a transfusion head back after school – ugh! How did I live that life? Soon it was my turn and what do you know but Christi’s favorite phlebotomist was working. Yikes! That did me in. I bit my lip to keep from crying, sat in (Christi’s) chair and held out my arm. Christi got herself worked up over EVERY blood draw. She had a system down (and it took FOREVER) to draw her blood, as a result of her “system”. I just held out my arm and it was quickly done. Why did she let herself get so worked up EVERY time? It was no big deal?! Then, the tears just absolutely started gushing. The sweet lady told me that she thinks of Christi quite often and that she will never be forgotten. She gave me a hug and I cried all the way home. It was yet another “first” even though it’s really been so long.
Other Unrelated Tidbits:
Someone in our home will be turning 40 in the next few days (smile). It’s nice knowing I won’t be the only one!!!! Shayne won’t be bragging about marrying an older woman too much longer!
Shayla’s grade card was again fabulous! We want to do something special to celebrate all of those As she earned, but we haven’t thought of what to do yet.
I’ve recently received some WONDERFUL news regarding my Ph.D. but that may be an entire entry of its own one day. (If I survive the rest of the quarter that is, hee hee). Meanwhile, I’m continuing to work hard!!
It appears the Nexium continues to help me. The only attack I had was the one day when I forgot to take my medicine. I really hate being on it, but the attacks are so wicked I think it’s best. Sometimes my stomach starts acting up in the late afternoon / early evening so I take a second pill, that really helps but I know I need to let my doctor know what I’ve been doing about once a week. Maybe a stronger dosage would be better. Hmmmmm.
We attended the Equine Affaire (a huge horse show) in Columbus over the weekend with Marty and Jeff. Shayla was in all her glory; it was really amazing! She had another 4H meeting (for her horse riding club) and is so excited about leasing “Skeeter”. I was SHOCKED at the prices on Western outfits at the Equine Affaire so if anyone knows of a good place to get, preferably a used outfit, please let me know. She’s only going to wear it for a few hours to show at the fair.
Shayla had been asking when we’d get a babysitter for her. Finally, we went out so she could delight in playing with Megan. She had a ball!
If you haven’t seen the movie “21”; we both thought it was fabulous.
I’ll upload information regarding “Christi’s Modified Tea Party” VERY SOON!
Thanks for checking and for everything; you’ve richly blessed us!!! Take care, be well and may God bless you and keep you safe!!
Meeting a children's author - and asking her many questions! (She also got to meet the horse in the book, Blackjack!)

Shayla especially liked being with the horses after most of the sessions. She learned a lot, we all did!