Since I just saw that this is my 1,000th blog post, I'd better make it a good one (wink, or at least post a picture that would make Christi laugh - like this one of the girls in Kentucky with a long haired sheep). Seriously, I will always be grateful to "Webby" (sweet Eric) for adding to the .com site with this blog in January of 06. During our scariest times, it allowed me to quickly update the "Christi Situation", without having to bother Eric and wait for him to post my journal. Now that I basically use this blog to deal with my own thoughts (and to let my mom know how we are) I can see the power it has had in my healing. As a reading and language arts teacher, it seems I constantly discuss with my students the power of writing. Today being the 1,000 entry, reminds me of that first hand! Thank you, dear Eric! I know I can never pay back all of the good blessing that have been so lovingly shared with us, but I can pay it forward and I will never forget that!
The Ritz posted the cast list on Friday at 7AM. Shayne informed me that Shayla was selected for the chorus. At lunch, I went to tell Shayla. I think she was on the look out for me because she walked up to me and I didn't have to try to find her in the midst of all the 4th grade girls, whew! I told her that I was so happy for her being selected to be in the chorus for a real Ritz Players musical to be held for two weekends in May. I told her the girl who was selected to be Amaryllis. Then I asked, "Are you ok?" (Because I wasn't. I thought I was, but then I felt tears coming as I told her she didn't get the part she wanted.) She said nonchalantly, "Of course I'm ok. Why wouldn't I be? I get to be in a musical at the Ritz and I'm really happy for her. She must be so excited right now." I was shocked with her incredibly mature response. As we ate dinner last night before heading back to the school, Shayne suggested she call the girl who got the part to congratulate her, even though we all knew that might be hard to do. Shayla said, "That's a great idea, dad. I will." I'm not certain why God blessed us with this incredibly sweet and talented little gal, but I am so glad he did. I don't know how we'd get along without her!

For the first time last night, we sat through the entire musical. It was absolutely fantastic! The flying effects are HUGE! Everything about the show is downright fabulous! There are two more shows today and one on Sunday. Shay couldn't be any more pleased about that. We'll get her to her ice skating lessons this morning and then I'll start curling up her hair again. What a hoot! We're so pleased that Aunt Marty and Uncle Jeff will be joining us tonight!

This is one of my amazing sixth grade reading students. He was fantastic! (And he cracked me up one night as I walked in with Shayla and went to get her dressed. This comical gentleman yells from across the room with his hands up, "Don't look at me Mrs. Thomas. I'm in my underwear!" I could only look away, shake my head and laugh because I never would have noticed he was there if he had not yelled to me. Trust me, he keeps class interesting too and I would not want it any other way! He rocks!)

Shayla greets Harriet (Traci from COSI - Columbus)
Harriet brought Shayla this darling stuffed Cowardly Lion - too cute!

We took delight in sharing the show with this precious little gal and her mommy. Shayla even signed an "autograph" for beautiful Kate. So sweet!

Shayla told a mom taking care of the Munchkins last night that she had friends coming to see her from Columbus. Little did she know Greg also joined them - all the way from Iraq! It was fabulous to see him as he's home on a much too short break! (I'll never forget his kindness in helping me get the girls out to my van in the midst of a rainstorm very late one night in Columbus watching "The Sound of Music".) He's like a "gentle giant" - so quiet and small, yet so large in what he does. I had to blink away tears when I saw he was wearing a Alex's Lemonade Stand bracelet.

This amazing student was one of my 8th graders and I will miss him very much when he goes off to college. I've been writing many letters of recommendation for him recently and I wish him only the very best! When he told me in the late fall that he wanted to get the part of the scarecrow I knew he'd be great, but I didn't know he'd be THAT GREAT! Wow! Now, if he "only had a brain" - hee he heeeeee! Seriously, he's one of the brightest (and kindest) students I've ever taught!

With the extremely talented director - Ron Boose

With the lovely (inside and out) Mrs. Huenemann

Saying "goodnight" to Toto. The dog in the play is absolutely fantastic and unlike some practices when he took off, the kids backstage didn't lose him once last night! Tonight, Shayla's taking him a box of doggie treats since he probably wouldn't want to receive flowers or candy like she's taking for the others.
Irene, you asked about my doctoral dissertation. It is going very, very well! I'm really enjoying it too! Praise the Lord! I'm scheduled to defend it in August. Shayne is in the midst of buying me a new (bigger, faster) laptop which will better help me with the NVivo8 qualitative research program I'm using to help me analyze the data, but I would be fine even if he didn't do that. (He just likes to spoil me I think. He's a sweetie!)