TGIF and many other thanks

Thank God It's Friday! And thanks to all of the hard workers at Baumann Auto Group for searching high and low and for working so hard; my transportation problems are solved! (Mom, this vehicle will be much more reliable for me; I hope you'll worry a lot less now!) Did you know the insurance company will send someone to your workplace to install a new front windshield? (another "Thanks!")
As you can see from the pics, we had a great night at my sister's! Thanks to Gil for watching all the cousins. (My awesome sister and I headed out for a salad and live music and to talk about our children last night, very fun!)
The girls and I took off at 6:15 this morning so that I could make it to my class on time. After waiting for 35 minutes for a new babysitter who showed up an hour later I only had one choice so that I wouldn't be late for class. I had to take the girls with me (yikes). Thankfully, Christi read the entire time and thankfully Aunt Tina sent some toys home with the girls and I grabbed them as we hustled into class. They provided Shayla with entertainment (and thankfully silence) for the 1 1/2 hour class. I was sweating it BIG TIME, but my I'm thankful Professor didn't seem to mind. (This was his very first encounter with Christi and perhaps her bald little head caught him by surprise.)
Next, we drove the rest of the long drive home and went to Dr. Vela's office. Thankfully, the exam was fine and the blood draw uneventful. While not pleased with the results, I know they could be MUCH worse so I am thankful for that too!
8.3 hgb. (Yikes! That's getting very close to needing a blood transfusion.)
58 platelets (up ten from last week - hey, it's a baby step better and it's our biggest prayer request right now.)
They were unable to get an accurate white count, but I think we're fine in that department right now. While waiting for her appointment, I noted that she "only" needed four live saving transfusions this month and she was "only" hospitalized six nights the entire month of June! I'm incredibly thankful about that good news! Sadly, many of our warrior friends are not doing very well right now.
Next we went to the library as the girls are passionate about getting there every week and finally we went to Cindy's where Christi's "Locks for Love" wig was styled. Cindy had never seen a nicer wig and it looks great now. Christi wore it for about 2 hours today. While running errands she'd whispered to me a few times, "I don't think that lady even knows it's a wig!" It does look very realistic and we are very thankful she received it, even if I doubt she'll wear it very much. Girls should have options! (smile) And quite frankly who needs hair when you're as good looking as Christi??!! (hee hee)
PRAYER REQUEST: We pray that Christi continues to feel well and that her blood counts soon rise. THANK YOU Partners in Prayer! Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them often!! Here's wishing you and yours a great weekend!